RAF & FAA Special Battle of Britain WWII 71.144 Farbenset Vallejo 8 x 17ml

Marke: Vallejo

Artikelnummer: 196149

Lagernd - sofort lieferbar

Versandgewicht: 250 Gramm.

Deutschland: Standard DHL Lieferzeit 1 bis 3 Tage.

(Auslandsversand Lieferzeit 3 bis 14 Tage)

16,00 EUR *
Inhalt 0,136 Liter
Grundpreis 117,65 EUR / Liter
* Alle Preise inkl. Mwst zuzüglich Versandkosten
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RAF & FAA Special Battle of Britain WWII 71.144 Farbenset Vallejo


This set has been developed for painting the RAF fighter aircraft which participated in the major air battle of all times, The Battle of Britain, from the beginning in July 1940 to the final phase or Night Blitz in May 1941. Model Air set with 8 colors developed on the basis of intensive research and precise color matching with the Federal Standard 595 and British Standard Colours BS381C color specifications. The sets include the colors for the air plane profiles and camouflage patterns drawn by Mark Rolfe. With the collaboration of "Pieza a Pieza. BS 450 AV71323 BS 101 AV71404 BS 241 AV71324 BS 642 AV71057 BS 210 AV71302 BS 283 AV71126 BS 216 AV71009 FS 34373 AV71305

Art.-ID 196149
Zustand Neu
Altersfreigabe Ohne Altersbeschränkung
Varianten-ID 71144
Modell 71.144
Hersteller Vallejo
Herstellungsland Spanien
Inhalt 0.136 Liter
Gewicht 250 g
Zolltarifnummer 32139000

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